How can we tell a person’s story in unique ways? NEBRASKA STORIES OF HUMANITY INQUIRY #4 CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES FROM HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS How can we construct new narratives from historical artifacts? How do individuals fit into individual timelines and broader historical narratives? US H•lNebraska Individual Profilesines Activity NEBRASKA STORIES OF HUMANITY INQUIRY #4 CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES FROM HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS Timeline Activity How can we construct new narratives from historical artifacts? What is narrative and how is it utilized in telling a person’s story? NEBRASKA STORIES OF HUMANITY INQUIRY #4 CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES FROM HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS Artifact Important Terms Humanity On the Narrative Worksheet, write a Holocaust brief statement using your best knowledge of these terms… Shoah Yom Hashoah NEBRASKA STORIES OF HUMANITY INQUIRY #4 CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES FROM HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS Important Artifact: an object remaining from a particular period. Humanity: the quality or state of being human. Terms Holocaust: was the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million European Jews by the Nazi German regime and its allies and collaborators. The Holocaust was an evolving process Review your answers with the definitions supplied here. that took place throughout Europe between 1933 and 1945. Shoah: The biblical word Shoah (האוש), also spelled Shoa and Sho'ah, meaning "calamity" in Hebrew, it is the Hebrew term for the Holocaust. Yom HaShoah: Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day (Hebrew: - Yom HaZikaron L’Shoah U’Gvu’rah הרובגלו האושל ןורכיזה םוי) NEBRASKA STORIES OF HUMANITY INQUIRY #4 CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES FROM HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS Yom Hashoah 2018 Watch the video (Transcript also available) Yom Hashoah 2018 Commemoration Part I Commemoration Timestamp 5:57: Rabbi Abraham’s Yom Hashoah introduction Timestamp 9:00: Bob Wolfson’s Survivor introduction While watching & listening: ● What is a person’s narrative? ○ Examples (A, B, C) LISTEN to the 9 speakers . ● Why do you think they shared After each group of 3 speakers, we will pause this experience? to enable you to summarize comments on your worksheets. After watching & listening: • What is shared through the narrative in the ● What is the purpose of their candle lighting? testimonies? Begins Part I: Timestamp 21:20 ● Lacune (what is missing)? Continues Part II: Timestamp 00:01 NEBRASKA STORIES OF HUMANITY INQUIRY #4 CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES FROM HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS How can we construct new narratives from historical artifacts? What can a piece of clothing tell us about a person’s story? NEBRASKA STORIES OF HUMANITY INQUIRY #4 CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES FROM HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS What can a piece of clothing tell us about history? Looking at this coat… ● What do we need to know to better understand its historical context? o Who did it belong to? o How old is it? o Where was it made? Where did it end up? o Why was it photographed? ● What can it bear witness to? ● What could other clothing tell us about history? ● What other questions do you have about it? NEBRASKA STORIES OF HUMANITY INQUIRY #4 CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES FROM HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS This coat belonged to Hanna Rosenberg… “In August 1937, Hanna Rosenberg, and her parents, Ludwig and Ilse, fled Sonneberg, Germany. They arrived in Lincoln, Nebraska, and settled in the home of her grandparents, Alfred and Kate Speier. Hanna acclimated to her new life in America and was active socially and academically throughout high school and at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. This collection highlights Hanna’s successes in Lincoln, as well as some of the Speier/Rosenberg household items from Germany housed at History Nebraska. Included is a Persian lamb coat that belonged to Hanna’s paternal grandmother, Hedwig Rosenberg. Hedwig and her husband, Bernhard, were murdered in the Treblinka death camp in 1942. A German neighbor had buried the coat and other treasured possessions for safekeeping and later sent them to the family in Lincoln. ” Interview with Hanna Rosenberg – Start: 33.34 - End: 34:33 NEBRASKA STORIES OF HUMANITY INQUIRY #4 CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES FROM HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS Explore the various collections and stories… Find 5 clothing items and complete the Clothing Worksheet Guide ● Use the search function to find: “clothing” - “belongings” - “jacket” - “individuals” ● Consider what people are wearing in photographs NEBRASKA STORIES OF HUMANITY INQUIRY #4 CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES FROM HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS How can we construct new narratives from historical artifacts? What does an artifact’s journey tell us about the complexities of a person’s story and the artifacts that come from their lived experiences? NEBRASKA STORIES OF HUMANITY INQUIRY #4 CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES FROM HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS The Journey of Hanna’s Coat 1. Hanna’s grandmother, Hedwig Rosenberg, left the coat in Sonneberg, Germany where it was buried by a NE History Museum German neighbor Mack Pachman’s Furrier 2. Hedwig and her husband, Bernhard, were murdered in the Treblinka death camp in 1942 3. The German Neighbor, shipped the coat to the Rosenberg’shome at 16th and B in Lincoln, NE The Rosenberg’s home at 16th & B 4. Ilsa, Hanna’s mother, had Hedwig’s coat cleaned and repaired at Mack Pachman’s Furrier in downtown Lincoln. 5. Hanna would wear the coat and remember Hedwig every time she did. It is likely she wore it while in attendance as a student at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln. 6. Hanna (Rosenberg) Gradwohl donates the coat to the Nebraska History Museum. 7. Hanna traveledfrom Ames, Iowa, and John (brother) traveled from Madison, Wisconsin, to attend the museum's grand re-opening where the coat is still on display. Explore the various collections and stories… Find 10 artifacts, when placed together, which construct a narrative you think is important. The story should relate to important historical events and consider the humanity demonstrated in the artifacts. ● Consider especially where these artifacts originate from and where they end up. ➢ These can include letters, clothing & personal belongings, speeches & testimonies… anything that you can describe and tie together will work as long as you are thoughtful about your selections. NEBRASKA STORIES OF HUMANITY INQUIRY #4 CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES FROM HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS How can we construct new narratives from historical artifacts? Final Reflection & Discussion NEBRASKA STORIES OF HUMANITY INQUIRY #4 CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES FROM HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS Inquiry_4_Slides-Narratives_through_Artifacts