Clothing Exploration Guide Name: On the Nebraska Stories of Humanity website, explore the various stories. Find 5 pieces of clothing and link the photo or webpage link below. Answer the questions on the right. Clothing • What does this piece of clothing reveal about individuals' Photograph experiences? (identify the piece of • What does it tell us about historical events? clothing) Example: -This shows that people left early, even before the war, to avoid persecution. -There were people who helped, like the person who buried the coat and belongings. -Precious belongings meant a lot to people. Maybe taking care of belongings helped keep humanity when there was so much terrible happening. -The coat can represent resilience. How are these pieces of clothing connected (even if they are from different people)? Clothing Exploration Guide What is a piece of clothing that is significant in your life? Why do you cherish it? If someone saw a photograph of you in that piece of clothing, what would they say about it? Does this piece of clothing hold the same significance as the person’s story that you saw on the website? How can a piece of clothing reveal uniqueness and connectedness in a person’s narrative? Inquiry_4_Worksheet-Clothing_Exploration