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- 10 Stages of Genocide Fill out the heading of your notes 10 Stages of Genocide DD/MM/YY What circumstances occur or are created to build a climate where genocide can take place? “Never Again” (MINIMAL) professionaluse andhas someminimalsound effects inthe last5seconds. Quick Write Question Why is the phrase "never again" still used even though genocides have happened since the Holocaust and are actively happening? 4MINUTE TIMER-COUNTDOWNTIMER Circumstances of Genocide ● Genocide never “just happens” ○ There are always circumstances which occur or are created to make an environment where genocide can happen ■ i.e. situatedness ● Identifying these circumstances can help prevent genocide at its earliest stages What is “Genocide”? The United Nations defines genocideas any of the follow acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, as such: ● Killing members of the group ● Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group ● Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of lifecalculated to bring about its physical destruction in wholeorin part ● Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group ● Forcibly transferring children of the group to another part of thegroup What is “Genocide”? The United Nations defines genocideas any of the follow acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, as such: ● Killing members of the group Process Your Notes: ● Highlight/underline ● Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group ● Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of lifecalculated to bring about its physical destruction in wholeorin part ● Comment two things you notice or ● Imposing measures intended to prevent births within thwonderp ● Forcibly transferring children of the group to anot● Write one connection or event you have heard Stage 1: Classification ● Differences between people are not respected ● Division of “us” vs. “them” ○ Stereotypes ○ Excluding people who are “different” Stage 2: Symbolisation ● When a government or party in power forces the “other” group(s) to visually symbolize themselves ○ A visual representation of hatred Stage 3: Discrimination ● Denial of human rights to the “other” group(s) ○ Sometimes includes denial of citizenship Stage 3: Discrimination A Jewish passportin Nazi Germany ● Marked “J” for Jewish Nuremberg Laws took away the rights for Jews ● German citizenship ● Marriage or sexual relations with a German Stage 4: Dehumanization ● Those perceived as “different” are treated with no human rights or personal dignity ○ Ex: In Rwanda, Tutsis were referred to as “cockroaches” ○ Ex: In Nazi Germany, Jews were referred to as “vermin” Stage 5: Organization ● Regimes or others in power design genocidal killings ● Training of those who will carry out the killings ○ Secretpolice ○ Special army killing units Closure: Process Your Notes Connections: What example of the 10 stages of genocide doyou think you’ve heard, seen, or studied? Changes: What are some ways in which you view world events differently or new ways you understand world events based on the 10 stages of genocide? Questions: What questions doyou have about topics covered today? Links Live Objectives Warm-Up Connection Circle Understand that genocide is progressive and occurs in What was your most identifiable stages embarrassing moment in elementary school? Define the 10 stages of genocide Nojudgement zone here! But you also in your notes don’t have to answer :) Agenda ❏ Warm-Up: Connection Circle Su●cessGrabbing any note taking material (sticky ❏ Revise and connect yournotes notes,highlighters,etc.) ❏ Notes: 10 stages ofgenocide (stages 6-1●) Preparingyourself to learn and talk about difficult material Focused Fifty! ● Phones and headphones out of sight ● Phones silenced Revise and Process Your notes 2MINUTE TIMER-COUNTDOWNTIMER minimalsoundeffects inthelast5secondsrofessionaluseandhas some Connect Your Thinking: 30 Sec30SECONDTIMER 1 This 30-secondcountdowntimeris made forprofessionaluse andhas One thing I someminimalsoundeffects inthe last5seconds. learned from A my notes is…B I heard 2 yousay… One thing I A B learned from A my notes is…B I heard yousay… A B Add something to your notes since processing on your own and with a partner. Stage 6: Polarization ● Propaganda is spread by hate groups via mass media ● Extremist hate groups target and intimidate moderates to be silent ● Moderate leaders are assassinated Stage 6: Polarization ● Use of Facebook for genocide against the Rohingya Muslims in Burma/Myanmar ● December 1990, Rwanda: “The Hutu Ten Commandments” Created in order to incite violence against the Tutsi people from the Hutu people Stage 7: Preparation ● Concrete plans of genocide are made ● Acts of genocide are said to be self defense ● Euphemisms are used to cover true intentions ○ Ex: purification, ethnic cleansing, The Final Solution to the Jewish Question Stage 8: Persecution ● Victims are identified and separated due to their ethnicity, race, religion, and/or nationality ○ Segregated into ghettos, taken to concentration camps, or put in “famine struck” regions Stage 9: Extermination ● Murder of the identified victims in deliberate and systematic ways ○ Note: called “extermination” because the victims are not believed to be human (stage 4) ● Culturally significant sites of thevictim groups are destroyed ● Mass rape andsexual assault has become morecommon in modern genocides to further separate the victim group (Ex:Yazidi genocide under ISIS) Stage 10: Denial ● Perpetrators or later generations deny the crimes committed ● Evidence is destroyed or not accessible ● Witnesses are intimidated ● Note recent Holocaust denial Closure: Process Your Notes, Connect Your Thinking See Think Wonder What connections How can What questions can you make separating do you still have between the 10 genocide into about genocide? Stages of identifiable Genocide and stages help Note that you may have Galtung’s questionsabout other prevent related terms like ethnic Typology of genocide? cleansing, war crimes, Violence and 5MINUTE TIMER-COUNTDOWNTIMER(MINIMAL)inst Peace OR This 5MINUTE countdowntimeris madefor situatedness? thelast5seconds.ndhas someminimalsoundeffects in Summary Summarize your notes by answering the essential question: What circumstances occur or are created to build a climate where genocide can take place? Inquiry_5_Slides-10_Stages_of_Genocide