Handout3 Analyzing Testimony and Artifacts Graphic Organizer Testimony: Interviewee Biography Name, age, country born, religion, ethnicity, etc. Testimony Facts What are the events described in the testimony? Where did the events happen? Testimony Affect What is the interviewee’s body language, tone of voice, word choice, etc.? Does it change throughout the testimony or stay the same? Artifact(s): Interviewee Observe Describe the artifact. Think about: material, shape, color, texture, size, weight, age, condition, movable parts, or anything written on it. Adapted from the National Archives and Records Administration. The artifact is from… It is/was used for… Analyze It seems to be important because… Answer the following prompts as best as you can. Think about what you heard in the This artifact helps me to understand the __________________ community by… interviewee’s testimony. This artifact reminds me of what was said in the survivor testimony when… Artifact(s): “What We Carried” Exhibit Observe Describe the artifact. Think about: material, shape, color, texture, size, weight, age, condition, movable parts, or anything written on it. The artifact is from… It is/was used for… Analyze It seems to be important because… Answer the following prompts as best as you can. Think about what you heard in the This artifact helps me to understand the __________________ community by… interviewee’s testimony. This artifact reminds me of what was said in the survivor testimony when… Adapted from the National Archives and Records Administration. Artifact(s): Local Holocaust Survivor Observe Describe the artifact. Think about: material, shape, color, texture, size, weight, age, condition, movable parts, or anything written on it. The artifact is from… It is/was used for… Analyze It seems to be important because… Answer the following prompts as best as you can. Think about what you heard in the This artifact helps me to understand the __________________ community by… interviewee’s testimony. This artifact reminds me of what was said in the survivor testimony when… Adapted from the National Archives and Records Administration. Adapted from the National Archives and Records Administration. Inquiry_5_Worksheet-Graphic_Organizer_Handout