HexagonalThinkingSummativeProject Essential Question: How do survivors—both as individuals and as a community—heal after genocide and mass atrocity? Goal: you will create a Hexagonal Thinking poster with pertinent ideas and information from this unit as well as explanations as to how these ideas connect. This will demonstrate your understanding of how survivors—both as individuals and as a community—heal after genocide and mass atrocity. Expectations: Your hexagonal thinking should include: 16-18 hexagons ○ 1-2 hexagons with the names of artifacts they analyzed in formative performance task #3 ○ 1-2 hexagons with the names of the individuals or families who brought the item in their travels from their home countries to Nebraska ○ 2-4 hexagons with words or phrases to describe the artifacts ○ 2-4 events or laws from the/each genocide that connect with the artifacts ○ 2-4 hexagons that demonstrate the importance of the artifacts brought and how they contribute to memory preservation, cultural preservation, and/or healing from their respective communities or individuals 3-4 written connections ○ Next to the hexagons that connect, explain the way in which they are connected. Why did you choose to put those hexagons near each other? ○ Written connections should be 2-4 sentences each A reflection paragraph demonstrating how each of these communities have worked toward collective and individual healing as well as cultural preservation in their new homes. Optional: Above and beyond: ● Visual connections in/around the hexagons ● Including more hexagons or written connections ● Correlate the meaning of a hexagon’s colors with the information written on it ○ Ex: violence = red; peace = purple Here is an example image of what your project may look like: - Rubric 4 - Exemplary 3 - Proficient 2 - Developing 1 - Emerging Number of 19 or more hexagons have been 16-18 hexagons have been 8-15 hexagons have been 7 or less hexagons have Hexagons included. included. included. been included. Inclusion of Includes a variety of pertinent Includes a variety of Includes some pertinent Includes few or no pertinent examples. Content content, including: quotes, pertinent content from the content from the unit but topics, laws, historical events, unit. lacks a range of information. Content demonstrates historical figures, and other minimal understanding of the topic or seems material from the unit of study. disconnected. Written Five or more written 3-4 written connections Two written connections 1 or fewer written Connections connections between hexagons between hexagons with between hexagons. Explanations connections. Explanations are brief or lack detail. Shows a are minimal or unclear, with detailed and insightful clear explanations. Show a explanations. Shows a proficient understanding of developing understanding of showing gaps in relationships among ideas but understanding of sophisticated understanding of relationships among ideas. misses opportunities for deeper relationships among relationships among ideas. connections. ideas. Healing and Hexagons and written connections Hexagons and written Hexagons and written Hexagons and written Cultural explain how survivor communities connections explain how connections mention healing connection vaguely Preservation (Holocaust and Yazidi survivors) survivor communities and cultural preservation but mention healing and have worked toward healing and (Holocaust and Yazidi focus on only one community cultural preservation or cultural preservations with specific survivors) have worked do not mention them at examples (cultural traditions, toward healing and cultural or use general examples. all. There are no Ideas have weak or unclear community practices, testimonies, preservations with relevant connections to the etc.). Ideas demonstrate strong examples. Ideas have some connections to the survivor survivor artifacts that connections to the survivor artifactconnection to the survivor artifacts that were studied. were studied. that were studied. artifacts that were studied. Capitalization, Spelling and grammar errors are Spelling and grammar Spelling and grammar errors Spelling and grammar Punctuation, rare or intentional for stylistic errors are present but do slightly impact meaning or errors significantly and Use of effect; they do not impact not significantly impact clarity. impact meaning, or no Standard meaning. meaning. writing is present. English Inquiry_5_Worksheet-Summative_Project_Info_Hexagonal_Thinking