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Letter from Beate Stern to Flora and Albert Schmidt

French | English
Spring 1945
Chère Oncle et Tante,1

La demoiselle qui s’occupe de nous vient de remettre a l’instant votre bonne letter de la quelle nous vous remercion de tout notre Coeur. Nous sommes bien contente d’être bientôt près de vous. quoique je soi bien petite je me rappelle de vous avoir vue. Je me rejouis a la prensée que dans quelque temps nous serons aumilieu de vous. Depuis plus d’un an nous sommes dans un établisement et nous sommes nombreuse, et il y a surtout beaucoup des petites. Tous ls Dimanches nous allons en promenade. Maintenant ces trés gréable car les beau jours arrive. Suzy vous envoie des choses affectueuse.

Recevez les plus affectueuse baisers de vos deux petites niéces qui vous aimes beaucoup
English | French
Spring 1945
Dear Uncle and Aunt,

The lady who takes care of us has just now handed to me your wonderful letter, for which we thank you with all our heart. We are so happy that we’ll soon be there with you. Although I was very young then, I can recall having seen you. The thought that in a short while we will be there among you makes me very glad. We have been at an establishment for over one year now, there are a lot of us here, and many young children especially. Every Sunday we go out for long walks. Our outings are now very pleasant because the nice weather has come. Suzy sends you affectionate greetings.

We close with hugs of sincere affection from your two little nieces, who love you very much.


1. There is a contemporary translation of this letter, which appears in this collection as "Letter from Beate Stern to Flora and Alfred Schmidt (Contemporary English Translation)" (soh.sto001.00237). It is unknown whether this translation was sent with the original French letter, or whether it was translated at a later time. [back]