I hope you are fine, we thought we get some news from you. Two weeks ago Aunt Berta came from England and we are glad to have her here. We took our own apartment and enjoy it very much, now we hope you both come over soon and we have a real family. We received two cards from Mrs. Loewenstein and we were glad to hear from her that you both are well. Did you received some package from us. Best regards to Mrs. Senta Loewenstein
With love and kisses to you both your Aunts and Uncle Flora Albert and Berta Mai 1, 1945
From : A. Schmidt
42-41 66th Street
Woodside, L.I. New York
U.S. Censorship stamp – examined – 5358
To : Miss Beatrice Stern
c/o Mrs. Senta Loewenstein
Château de Chaumont
par Mainsat Creuse
Postal Card - Carte Postale
Universal Postal Union
Union Postale Universelle
United States of America
États-Unis d'Amérique
This side of card is for address only