24 December 1944
Dearest Gretchen —
How’s my honey today? Okay I hope. This has been a beautiful sun shiny day and very warm. It doesn’t seem possible it can be the day before Xmas. We had church service this afternoon beside the train on a side track. Played Gin Rummy again and lost what I won last night! It does help the time to go faster tho.
That fellow by the name of Davey, wasn’t he the one who dated Nadine that night and wanted me to stay at the Blackstone with him? I wanted to see him but didn’t get a chance to do so.
It is almost time for me to go on guard so will soon have to quit. There really isn’t much in the way of news for that matter since there are so few things we can write about. I can say the scenery has been very pretty and hope we can take the same trip by auto some day together. Merry Xmas to you all, have one for me, and I’ll be thinking of you.
All my Love, Clarence.