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Letter from Clarence Williams to Gretchen Williams, April 18, 1945

  My Darling —

Well here I am still looking for mail and had no luck again today I did receive a letter from mother and one from Mrs. Ranum. I didn’t get to write yesterday because of moving and my writing paper was buried in the truck. After arriving we put up our big squad tent and for the first time are set up in the field. This has been a beautiful day for camping out and we are in a nice grassy location at the edge of the woods. We first finished having a ball game, the litter bearers played the rest of us and we won. This has been a grand day for sunning one’s self as the sun is bright and warm. Most of us were stripped to the waist when playing ball. Suppose I will soon be as black as a negro. Guess I am too old for such nonsense as I am now stiff as a board. Mom wrote that she had received your letter and how happy she was to hear from you. Also mentioned she was going to send me candy but I think I shall write her to send sardines and such instead. Mrs Ranum is apparently still having some trouble with John as she writes he is still up to his little tricks. She also stated she read the last letter I wrote the kids at the store as Ada brought up to her. She said Hanks was in California on his vacation and that they had a fire in one of the upstairs apartments. I think you wrote me that previously.


We had a swell dinner this noon including beef, boiled beans, buttered peas, sliced pineapple, bread and butter and cocoa. Oh yes we also had doughnuts as the Red Cross stopped here shortly before chow and stayed to eat with us consequently they furnished a box of doughnuts. Also got in on another good deal this morning when a bunch of us loaded on the truck and went back a couple of towns to the Quartermaster showers. They really have a good deal for portable showers, board floor, plenty of hot water and wooden sole shoes. All the comforts of home but honey I’ll take home any old day.

Well darling Im completely out of news for now so will close. Sorry I can’t write any thing of interest but as you know practically everything we see and do is a secret even tho the papers print it immediately and it is announced on the radio. Give my regards to all and I’ll always be thinking of you. Bye now

From the guy what loves ya!,
Worlds and Worlds
  AFTER FIVE DAYS RETURN TO Pfc. C. O. Williams 37738878 Co A - 122d Med Bn - A.P.O. #411 c/o P.M. - New York, N. Y.
Rec'd 4-30-45
U.S. Army Postal Service APR 19 1945
VIA AIR MAIL Mrs. C. O. Williams 1303 Ave. B. Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Passed by US Army Examiner 50819 Capt J A O'Brian