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Letter from Clarence Williams to Gretchen Williams, June 29, 1945

  Dearest Gretchen —

I received two swell letters from you this morning, also one from mother. Yours were dated the 22nd and 23rd which was really very good time. I also received the clipping regarding the 42d occupying Austria. That was practically the same as was stated in the Stars and Stripes however the following day on our bulletin board was a statement saying we would eventually fight the nips and that the statement in the Stars and Stripes were unofficial. From what we can gather, Austria is to be occupied on the semi-permanent basis until they elect their own government. After that time I think there will be a small number of troops, perhaps a Div, stationed in Vienna for keeping order. From all appearances I still believe we will be here until around the first of the year. Honey if we are to be here for any period of time and they allow us to have our wives, I assure you, you not only get to come but better come. Ha! You said to write and tell you to “keep your pants on” until I find out, honey you can keep them on now cause they’re sure coming off when I see you. Better have some new ones on hand as they will be worn out sliding them up and down.

You mentioned a few extra postal cards for your messenger girl. I believe I have a few left and will send them some time soon. You can pick out   any you may wish to have. I know I have a couple beautiful color cards of Lyon, France which we passed through on the train from Marseilles.

I was reading in the S and S today where the War Department has finally admitted the reason why marriage and age was not considered in the point system. It was because at that time practically all the young single men made up the Army. It did state that married men voted a 4 to 1 preference but there being naturally more single men, they didn’t have a chance. I still think its a raw deal and hope they give some consideration for the older married man.

I am glad to hear Dorothy and Ruth are having a nice vacation in Chicago and hope they get to see “Breakfast Club.” I remember how we so often talked of wanting to visit their broadcast some time.

Your letter of the 23rd mentioned receiving five of my letters. I am glad you are getting them even if in bunches. Apparently they are flying most all of them now. I think for a while they were sending some by boat, even Air Mail. I am glad you sent the address of the Ins Co as if in the future I am able to locate some little gift I will send it there and save you a trip. I have been trying to find some of those beautiful hand made Austrian handkerchiefs but they say there are more to be had. I thought those would make nice little gifts for some of our friends

So Dick & Delores have a new baby   boy. I was glad to hear that but was sorry to hear she had such a time. Hope she continues to come along okay.

I was glad to hear Vick is finally getting a chance at Intelligence. No doubt he will much prefer that and it shouldn’t be nearly so dangerous. Anything is better than that old front line. I suppose the Millers and Partington’s had a swell time in Kansas City. I hope Luana will soon be feeling better no doubt her worries are getting her down. Incidentally, did Rubie get over here trouble okay or is she still doctoring?

Regarding the radishes I had, you asked if I fixed them like roses. Honey, I was so hungry for them I hardly took time to remove the tops and dirt. Seriously tho - they surely tasted wonderful.

Well honey I am all out of news again so will close. I will also inclose a few more pictures —

With all my Love forever Clarence.
  Pfc. C. O. Williams 37738878 Unit Personnel Section 122d Medical Battalion A.P.O. #411 - c/o P.M. New York, N. Y.
Rec'd 7-9-45.
AIR MAIL U.S. Army Postal Service JUN 30 1945
AIR MAIL. Mrs. C. O. Williams 2501 - Harney St. Apt #6. Omaha, Nebraska.