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Letter from Clarence Williams to Gretchen Williams, October 10, 1945

  Dearest Gretchen —

Well honey I did a little better today when I received three letters from you, the 29th, 30th and Oct 1st. I am still missing the 27th and 28th but hope they will arrive tomorrow. I was beginning to worry if perhaps you may be ill. Lupa received a radio gram from the Red Cross saying Belle had serious operation, was very ill and asking for him to return home. At present he is waiting for verification and will probably go home when it comes through.

The ball game is going strong right now and I hope I can be lucky enough to win. We each put in 2.00 today so have a pot of 36.00 for the winner. So far I haven’t even come close so have lost a dollar on every game. Honey I am inclosing a money order for 100.00. You can finish paying for your coat and use the balance as you see fit. I will have some more on the   way to you in a few days. I might as well send home this month what I have been saving, so don’t be surprised at what you get.

Honey you must be having cold weather there for Sept if you have heat in the apartment already. We have stoves in the station and C.P. and have had heat in them. For some time however we aren’t allowed to have a fire in our rooms any more. It is bad in a way as all the boys gather in the station to play cards and write letters and there is so much noise it is hard to concentrate on a decent letter. I think before long we will take over another building to use as a day room so as to have a place for the boys to loaf.

Honey the box of candy sounds wonderful and I can hardly wait until it arrives. We get quite a few candy bars but seldom the popular brands and many of them aren’t so hot.

So Freda is now a civilian again, the lucky girl. I wonder if she was as happy with her discharge as I will be to get mine. I’ll bet not.


According to the S & S today, all men with two years service will get out in March. Thank God in March. I will have my two year and can ask for my discharge.

Regarding the whiskey honey, one of the boys has received a couple of bottles and they were packed in bread as the one fellow suggested. Perhaps you better not ship any until I find out definitely about the furlough deal. I should know in a few days and will send a radiogram to let you know whether it is yes or no so you will know what to do about packages. I understand we can get 24 hour service on radiograms so that isn’t bad from way over here.

Well darling thats about all the news for today. Bye for now —

I Love You Clarence.