Per usual — it's raining. I washed today but had to hang inside. Was in hopes I could get them out in the air but no go.
I am all up in the clouds in hopes you can make it home Sat. You told me not to plan on it so I won't, but that don't stop me from hoping I'll betcha. If you can't and find out it can be, I will come down. However, it would be much nicer to have you home, as well as cheaper. Do you have to get permission to come this far?
One of the girls who started to work in Personnel last week called today and asked if I would like to be a rider in her car to and from work. She lives in Uni Places so charging 1.00 a week. I told her I would think it over and call but have decided to continue trying to drive our car this summer and then try to line up a ride in the winter. It is so convenient to have the car when I get off for running errands to the cleaners, grocery store etc. Then too, I stay down every Wed. night to have my hair washed and if I am going to drive once or twice a week, might as well apply that buck a week to keeping up my own car. However, suppose if I have a flat some A.M. or if the car won't start, I will probably have my regrets.
I don't know when I have had such a miserable evening as I did last night — just between you and me. We ate at the Greenwich and then played poker at Pat and Agnes’s. Just couldn't get interested or anything so left at 10:30 and came home. Was certainly glad I had our car. Don't know what it is but I am getting so it is harder all the time for me to go out with the gang. Maybe its because I am odd person but I wouldn't let them know for anything.
Was so happy you phoned this morning. I was certainly planning on it and am afraid I would have been pretty let down if you had not gotten through.
Surely did have a big washing this morning but it is the first time I have washed for a month so I expected it to be big. Think I will try to iron some of it tonight because if we have an evening that is nice, I want to work in the yard. Never have finished the raking and it is long enough now to be cut. But with it raining all the time, it just can't be done.
Am sticking in a dollar and will send a a couple more before the weekend. Then when you are home, we can take inventory and see how much more you need— or if I come down. Am also enclosing Viola's letter which I am going to answer this afternoon. Thought you might be interested in Pete etc.
Well, dear, will keep my fingers crossed and keep hoping that next weekend will be ours.
Bye for now
All my love Gretchen.