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Irving Shapiro's Handwritten Story


1) When they came in to our town first they took over the houses on the main part of town to house their soldiers. We had to move out of our own house and find a room at some other peopoles house. In the first few days of ocupation the Laws started to take efect especialy where the Jewish people were concerned. [?]. We had to wear a yellow star of David on our left brest, we had to get off the sidwalk every time a German soldier came toward us, take off our hats and bow to him and took all able body Jewish people to a labor camp. Cleaning latrines The remaining ones : cleaning latrines with bare hands German quarters sweeping streets, and other. things so as to degrade us. I happen to go to the labor camp to dig water canals Took away all the business

2) We heard what they did to the Jewish people in the towns they first ocupied, and had an idea what is going to happen to us.


3) The only people we felt hatred toward where the ones who helped the nazis carry out the persecutions and eagerly do more than they were asked to

5) because of such publications as the spotlight and other antisemitic magazines published by and distributed by the Liberty Lobby

6) There was no place to escape. All of Europe was ocupied by the Germans, and there was no place where to hide, all the frontiers of the ocupied countries had been sealed and of.[?]

7) Came to the US. from Canada in 1955 because of relatives in Alliance. After a few months here I had trouble finding a job in my profesion (mechanical enginering and tool making). After a while I found a job at Lockwood in Gering and moved here in 1957 The few survivors did not want to go back to the grave yards and resume normal lifes in those countrys


8 the ones with oportunity to do so like teachers and educators should educate the young people and keep reminding them of the past and emphasize the importance of knowing all the things that happened