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Irving Shapiro's Writings (Anybody who came to Mezht. in 1946)


[deleted]anybodywho came to Mezht. in 1946 and found the town with with abandoned Jewish homes i no windosws no roofs and broken up bricks. The population shrunk considerable in spite of lots of polish people came from the east to settel in Mezr. The center of town a very small trafic. The stores have large signs withwhich empfazize the new polish. owners. The polacks took over the stores after the Jews were deported and are still selling the same articles. The market place where they gathered the Jews for deportation got bigger, most of the building around it were raised or burned to the ground. The synagoges withe the windows gone and mostly in ruins stand there like mute witneses to the merderous acts.. The ghetto which was the poorest section of town _ Leveled and grass growing over it. The cemetery the same as of most of the town. All the monument


taken out and cementend in to walls and also used for paving the streets. in one corner a pile of small rocks left from the headstones a reminder of the destruction. The few Jewish people living ther now, formed kind of their own ghetto in a few houses close to the center of town mostly for security.