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Doubts of the Holocaust?

Doubts about the Holocaust??

If there is someone who still doubts the stories of the holocaust, let him read it black on white. The Germans are very accurate in keeping records, in writing or in photos. When the allied troups entered the concentration camps, they fund exact documents, written by the German commanders and [deleted] diaries, describing the bestialic methods, written by the prisoners and hidden in wallcracks, preserved to prove these atrocities. All these documents were brought to the U.S.A. and preservd in archives. They belong in history_books and everybody, who was an eye_witness, is obligated to tell about his or hers experiences. The survivors tale is the most powerful tool to avoid repetition. The documents of this mass_histeria, happening in the twentieth century are an important proof for historical events, therefore necessary for world history.

The philosopher Karl Jaspers said once: "what has happend is a warning, to forget is guilt, it must continously be rememembered, it was possible for this to happen and it remains possible for it to happen again. Only in knowledge can it be prevented.

In 1897 when the Dreyfuss Affair aroused world conscience a French Jew, who worked on Dreyfuss' defense, spoke to a group of Jewish students in Paris: "for the Christian people an Armenian solution to their Jews-hatred was available (he referred to the Tuerkish decimation of the Armenian people, a monstrious event in history, that bears comparison with the murder of the Jews) 50 years later, few Christian sensibility was aroused by the murder of the Jews.

Maybe that was why a Protestant theologian pictured the Holocaust as a Christian catastrophy".

The Holocaust is not just a Jewish matter. Historical and morally it affects the whole human community".

Only to know what happened, can prevent it from happen again.