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Better Off (Hinky-Dinky Food Stores Newspaper Clipping)


We congratulate you on making "good news" and wish you happiness and success.



. . . the papers these days are so full of disturbing news


that it's doubly refreshing to see items like this . . .


The Grossmans . . . "in English, see?"

Better Off

Perhaps a little better off than the average are Mr. and Mrs. Ignaz Grossman, 1806 North Nineteenth Street.

Mr. Grossman was a master mechanic at the great Skoda works in Czechoslovakia in the 30's. Then he had shop of his own in Brno, where he had 40 men working for him-until 1939.

Then came the six-year void -the chain of concentration camps, no contact with each other until a 1945 reunion in a DP camp, and finally America and Omaha.

Now Mr. Grossman is a mechanic at an Omaha auto shop.

"We have had no troubles since we came," Mrs. Grossman said. "We are glad to have a home. We have nice friends here now, and every one is friendly. Of course, we wanted to go back to Czechoslovakia if it had been as it was before-but now-no."

Labor trouble? No. Discrimination? No. No troubles?

"No. no. Everything is all right here."