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704 results

Letter from Gerty Gross to Beate Stern (Bea Karp), August 27, 1943

  • Date: August 27, 1943
  • Creator(s): Gross, Gerty
  • Format: letter

Letter from Gerty Gross to Beate Stern, August 10, 1943

  • Date: August 10, 1943
  • Creator(s): Gross, Gerty
  • Format: letter

Letter from Governor Ben Nelson to Audra Weitzel, May 24, 1996

  • Date: May 24, 1996
  • Creator(s): Nelson, E. Benjamin (Earl Benjamin), 1941-
  • Format: letter

Letter from Gretchen Williams to Clarence Williams, June 12, 1944

  • Date: June 12, 1944
  • Creator(s): Williams, Gretchen
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Clarence Williams Collection, Institute for Holocaust Education

Letter from Gretchen Williams to Clarence Williams, June 13, 1944

  • Date: June 13, 1944
  • Creator(s): Williams, Gretchen
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Clarence Williams Collection, Institute for Holocaust Education

Letter from Gretchen Williams to Clarence Williams, June 14, 1944

  • Date: June 14, 1944
  • Creator(s): Williams, Gretchen
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Clarence Williams Collection, Institute for Holocaust Education

Letter from Gretchen Williams to Clarence Williams, June 5, 1944

  • Date: June 5, 1944
  • Creator(s): Williams, Gretchen
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Clarence Williams Collection, Institute for Holocaust Education

Letter from Gretchen Williams to Clarence Williams, June 6, 1944

  • Date: June 6, 1944
  • Creator(s): Williams, Gretchen
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Clarence Williams Collection, Institute for Holocaust Education

Letter from Gretchen Williams to Clarence Williams, June 7, 1944

  • Date: June 7, 1944
  • Creator(s): Williams, Gretchen
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Clarence Williams Collection, Institute for Holocaust Education

Letter from Gretchen Williams to Clarence Williams, May 24, 1944

  • Date: May 24, 1944
  • Creator(s): Williams, Gretchen
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Clarence Williams Collection, Institute for Holocaust Education

Letter from Gretchen Williams to Clarence Williams, May 4, 1944

  • Date: May 4, 1944
  • Creator(s): Williams, Gretchen
  • Format: letter

Letter from Gretchen Williams to Clarence Williams, May 6, 1944

  • Date: May 6, 1944
  • Creator(s): Williams, Gretchen
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Clarence Williams Collection, Institute for Holocaust Education

Letter from Gretchen Williams to Clarence Williams, May 6, 1944

  • Date: May 6, 1944
  • Creator(s): Williams, Gretchen
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Clarence Williams Collection, Institute for Holocaust Education

Letter from Gretchen Williams to Clarence Williams, May 7, 1944

  • Date: May 7, 1944
  • Creator(s): Williams, Gretchen
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Clarence Williams Collection, Institute for Holocaust Education

Letter from Gretchen Williams to Clarence Williams, undated

  • Creator(s): Williams, Gretchen
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Clarence Williams Collection, Institute for Holocaust Education

Letter from Hershel Shapiro to Beth Dotan

  • Creator(s): Shapiro, Hershel Joshua
  • Format: letter

Letter from Hershel Shapiro to United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

  • Creator(s): Shapiro, Hershel Joshua
  • Format: letter

Letter from Ilse Windmueller to Bertha Gottlieb about Bea and Susie Stern, January 25, 1946

  • Date: January 25, 1946
  • Creator(s): Windmueller, Ilse
  • Format: letter

Letter from Ilse Windmueller to Grossman, May 29, 1945

  • Date: May 29, 1945
  • Creator(s): Windmueller, Ilse
  • Format: letter

Letter from Irving Shapiro to Howard Shaff, August 14, 1984

  • Date: August 14, 1984
  • Creator(s): Shapiro, Irving
  • Format: letter

Letter from Isaac L. Asofsky to Bertha Gottlieb, November 23, 1943

  • Date: November 23, 1943
  • Creator(s): Asofsky, Isaac L.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Beatrice Pappenheimer Papers, 1990.153, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Letter from Issac L. Asofsky to Louis Rhein, June 23, 1941

  • Date: June 23, 1941
  • Creator(s): Asofsky, Isaac L.
  • Format: letter

Letter from Jeanette Gottlieb and Hildegard Gottlieb

  • Creator(s): Gottlieb, Jeanette | Gottlieb, Hildegard
  • Format: letter

Letter from Jeanette Gottlieb and Siegfried Gottlieb, April 22, 1945

  • Date: April 22, 1945
  • Creator(s): Gottlieb, Jeanette | Gottlieb, Siegfried
  • Format: letter

Letter from Jeannette Robbins to Francis Silbernagel, January 15, 1941

  • Date: January 15, 1941
  • Creator(s): Robbins, Jeannette
  • Format: letter

Letter from Jeannette Robbins to Francis Silbernagel, January 15, 1941

  • Date: January 15, 1941
  • Creator(s): Robbins, Jeannette
  • Format: letter

Letter from Jeannette to Francis Silbernagel, Febuary 7, 1941

  • Date: February 7, 1941
  • Creator(s): Jeanette
  • Format: letter

Letter from Joanie Jacobson to Joan and Maury Udes, January 26, [1990]

  • Date: January 26, [1990]
  • Creator(s): Jacobson, Joanie
  • Format: letter

Letter from Lina Goldschmidt and Martha and Frida Rhein, February 26

  • Creator(s): Goldschmidt, Lina | Rhein, Martha | Rhein, Frida
  • Format: letter

Letter from Max Hannah to Clarence Williams, June 13, 1944

  • Date: June 13, 1944
  • Creator(s): Hannah, Max
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Clarence Williams Collection, Institute for Holocaust Education

Letter from Max S. Perlman to Flora Gottlieb, November 29, 1938

  • Date: November 29, 1938
  • Creator(s): Perlman, Max S.
  • Format: document

Letter from Melvin Thielbar to Guy and Della Thielbar, June 1, 1945

  • Date: June 1, 1945
  • Creator(s): Thielbar, Melvin
  • Format: letter

Letter from Melvin Thielbar to Guy and Della Thielbar, May 8, 1945

  • Date: May 8, 1945
  • Creator(s): Thielbar, Melvin
  • Format: letter

Letter from Michael J. Kelly to Bea Karp, September 29, 2011

  • Date: September 29, 2011
  • Format: letter

Letter from Milton Marcus to Irving Shapiro, December 10, 1990

  • Date: December 10, 1990
  • Creator(s): Marcus, Milton
  • Format: letter

Letter from Miriam Grossman to Marsha, March 1, 1969

  • Date: March 1, 1969
  • Creator(s): Grossman, Miriam
  • Format: document

Letter from Miriam Stern to Beate and Susie Stern, December 13, 1947

  • Date: December 13, 1947
  • Creator(s): Stern, Miriam
  • Format: letter

Letter from Moritz Stern to Flora Gottlieb Schmidt, August 30, 1942

  • Date: August 30, 1942
  • Creator(s): Stern, Moritz
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Beatrice Pappenheimer Papers, 1990.153, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Letter from OSE Paris to Beate Stern, May 4, 1945

  • Date: May 4, 1945
  • Format: letter

Letter from OSE Paris to HICEM Paris, April 10, 1945

  • Date: April 10, 1945
  • Format: letter

Letter from OSE Paris to OSE Limoges, April 12, 1945

  • Date: April 12, 1945
  • Format: letter

Letter from OSE Paris to OSE Nice, March 13, 1945

  • Date: March 13, 1945
  • Format: document

Letter from OSE Paris to Suzanne Bardon, February 23, 1945

  • Date: February 23, 1945
  • Format: letter

Letter from Otto to Clarence Williams, April 20, 1944

  • Date: April 20, 1944
  • Creator(s): Otto
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Clarence Williams Collection, Institute for Holocaust Education