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Nebraska Stories of Humanity StoryMap Activity Directions: You will create a StoryMap about the 10 artifacts you have curated from the Nebraska Stories of Humanity Collection. Each artifact should include a picture and a brief description. Consider the different types of map options that you could create to show your artifacts in spatial terms. A. Create an Account on StoryMaps 1. Log into 2. Click “Create” in the top right a. Select “Story” 3. Add the title “Nebraska Stories of Humanity: __(YOUR FIRST NAME)____” 4. There are LOTS of options, explore the different maps and ways to present your information. a. To add new Text, Map, Photos, etc., click the blue (+) sign and the options will show up. b. There is not a right or wrong way to utilize these tools, but consider someone coming to your StoryMap. Would they understand the narrative without you there 5. Once you are finished click “Publish” and change the visibility to “Anyone with the Link” Inquiry_4_Worksheet-Storymaps_Instructions