History of Genocide “Genocide” as a legal term Fill out the heading of your notes Historyof Genocideas a Term DD/MM/YY What circumstances occur or are created to build a climate where genocide can take place? “Why was killing a million people a less serious crime than killing a single individual?” —Raphael Lemkin Genocide Etymology “Genos” “Cide” Greek for “race” or “tribe” Latin for “killing” The origins of the word “genocide” ● Term coined in 1944 by Raphael Lemkin - Jewish Polish lawyer ○ Began working toward a concept of genocide as a crime in the 1920s after learningabout the Armenian genocide ○ Lost 49 members of his family in the Holocaust ● Saw the NurembergTrials as only a partial success ○ Naziperpetrators were indicted for “crimes against humanity,” but the motivation of the crime (identity-based violence) was not emphasized ● Worked from 1944 until the passing of the UN Genocide Convention in 1948 to define genocide as int’l crime CIRCUMSTANCES OF GENOCIDE ● Genocide never “just happens” ○ There are always circumstances which occur or are created to make an environment where genocide can happen ● Identifying these circumstances can help prevent genocide at its earliest stages What is “Genocide”? The United Nations defines genocideas any of the follow acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, as such: ● Killing members of the group ● Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group ● Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of lifecalculated to bring about its physical destruction in wholeorin part ● Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group ● Forcibly transferring children of the group to another part of thegroup What is “Genocide”? The United Nations defines genocideas any of the follow acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, as such: ● Killing members of the group Process Your Notes: ● Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group ● Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of lifecalculated to bringne three key words about its physical destruction in wholeorin part ● Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the groupComment two things you notice r wonder ● Forcibly transferring children of the group to another ● Writeoneconnection or event you haveheard of that is described here (MINIMAL) This 5MINUTE countdowntimeris made for professionaluse andhas someminimalsound Reflection effects inthe last5seconds. Despite the existence of the Genocide Convention, the crime of genocide has continuedto be perpetrated. Since the convention wasentered into force in1951, genocides have occurred in Cambodia, in Rwanda, in Bosnia, inDarfur, and inother places around the world. Each genocide is unique, but doesthe persistence of genocide suggest anything generally about the limitations of international law in preventing this crime? Whatother tools could be usedto prevent genocide? What should happen when suchcrimesare notsuccessfully prevented? 5MINUTE TIMER-COUNTDOWNTIMER Partner/Group Share When genocide To prevent is committed, genocide we international should… community must… Closure: Process Your Notes Connections: Look back at article 2of the United Nations Genocide Convention (UNCG). What is one example you have seen in what we have studied in our class so far? Changes: Why is it important to create and give a name to a specific crime? Questions: What questions do you have about genocide or the motivation for committing genocide? Inquiry_5_Slides-History_of_Genocide