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Note Concerning Rosa Stern's Visa Application, [September 30, 1941]

German | English

In Angelegenheit von Frau Rosa Stern war ich bei Hicem, welcher sich mit dieser Angelegenheit befasst, habe ihnen diese Andressen und Mr. Perraks angegben. Vereinigte Staaten haben Visas verweigert und deswegen wurde das Sold das für die Ueberfahrt in Amerika eingezalt war zurückgegeben. Nichts desto weniger telegrafierten sie heute (30.09.) nach Marseille um zu erfahren was mit ihnen los ist und was man für sie machen könnte, wahrscheinlich wird man gezwungen sein andere Zielvisas zu bekommen.

English | German

In the matter concerning Mrs. Rosa Stern I visited the office of HICEM1, which is addressing this matter, and provided them with these addresses and Mr. Perrak’s[?]2. The United States has rejected the visa applications, and for this reason the payment that had been deposited for the passage to America was returned. Nevertheless they telegraphed today (September 30) to Marseille to try and learn what your current situation is and what could be done for you. Most likely it will be necessary to obtain visas for a different destination

Maybe September 30, 19413


1. During World War II, HICEM helped refugees from Nazi Germany and Nazi occupied areas to obtain immigration visas. HICEM was formed in 1927 when the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society partnered with the Jewish Colonization Association and EmigDirect. See USHMM Holocaust Encylopedia entry on the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society for more information. [back]
2. The name is illegible. [back]
3. This date is most likely accurate, since they arrived in France in October 1940, and September 30, 1942 would have been too late. [back]