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Letter from Suzanne Bardon responding to OSE request

French | English
Lyda of Himelese
Regroupement Familial
Union OSE

En réponse à votre lettre du 23 avant je me permis de vous transmettre l’adresse de Madame Loeventhal – tante des enfants STERN, Suzi et Béatrice –
Château de Chaumont
par Mainsat (Creuse)

J’ai vu cette semaine les deux enfants, elles se portent bien et, d’après les lettres de Madame Loeventhal, qui est actuellement éducatrice au Château de Chaumont. Elle désirait vivement reprendre les deux fillettes. Par contre, Béatrice et Suzi aimeraient certainement aller en Angleterre. Donc, par le même courrier, j’écris à Madame Loeventhal.

English | French
Lyda of Himelese
RF/March 2, 1945
Family Reunification Services
Union OSE
Dear Madam,

In response to your letter of the 23rd prior,3 I am transmitting to you the address of Mrs. Loeventhal – an aunt of the STERN children, Suzi and Béatrice –
Château de Chaumont
at Mainsat (Creuse)

I saw the two children this week, they are doing well, also according to the letters from Mrs. Loeventhal, who is currently an instructor at the Château de Chaumont. She strongly desires to retake charge of the two little girls. On the other hand, Béatrice and Suzi would certainly like to go to England. I am therefore writing to Mrs. Loeventhal with this same post-dispatch.3


1. Lyda of Himelese, RF/2.3.45, and 2205 are written in one or more different hands. [back]
2. See "Letter from OSE Paris to Suzanne Bardon, February 23, 1945" (soh.sto001.00223). [back]
3. The letter ends without a signature, possibly indicating that one or more additional pages were written. Authorship has been assigned to Suzanne Bardon based on context and handwriting. [back]