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Letter from Clarence Williams to Gretchen Williams, March 27, 1945

  My Honey —

I received a letter from you last night but was too tired to answer. For some reason I just didn’t feel good but am okay today.

We went over to a place near here to salvage some German equipment especially in the line of medical supplies and instruments. Wasn’t able to locate much but did find some interesting things. I found a nice set of mechanical drawing instruments which I am going to send home. We were back in a cave in the side of a mountain and it was really enormous. It run back about a block and was built in the shape of a horseshoe with several compartments off each section about 75 to a hundred feet long. The walls and ceiling were of cement and it had a board floor. One section was used as a hospital from all appearances, others for storage and sleeping quarters. There were hundreds of wooden cases containing food (biscuits and canned goods) and bottles of carbonated water. Also full cases of ammunition, grenades, artillerly shells and many other items including all types of repairs for guns. We even found full bundles of blankets still tied together. Pieces of rifles were laying all around the place where our boys had broken them in half. There is really a lot of wreckage around here in fact our fellow recently here from Italy stated it was some of the worst he had ever seen. They certainly lost plenty of men and equipment and our losses were practically nil in comparison. I used to think   when in the states that when they stated our losses were small in a drive it as a lot of junk. Now I know it can happen as it has been proven.

Honey, regarding the gloves, don’t worry about the type in fact I was sorry afterwards that I wrote for them. I know it was a lot of trouble finding them but at the time I thought perhaps you could send a pair I left. I was afraid if I wrote later saying not to send them you would have them already on the way.

Rubie’s case sounds serious to me, what do they think is wrong with her? Is she sick in bed?

I finished the sardines and ate some of the pickles tonite and boy did they ever taste good. I could sure use some more sardines if you can find them as they make a swell snack especially when we have Spam for meat. Insull was saying he surely wouldn’t want to own any stock in that company when the war is over. I don’t think any GI will ever want to look at it again. From the news we receive, meat is very scarce in the states is that correct? We have been having excellent food in fact pork chops yesterday and steak today at noon. Not bad huh? We certainly have food I never expected to get over here including butter, eggs, fresh meat, tomato juice, grape fruit juice and coffee.

Well sweet thats about all the news for today. Hope you are all well and okay. Tell Dad and Louisa hello and regards to all.

All my Love Clarence.
  Pfc. C. O. Williams 37738878 Co A - 122d Medical Bn A.P.O. #411, c/o P.M. New York, New York.
Rec'd 4/6/45
U.S. Army Postal Service MAR 29 1945
Mrs. C. O. Williams 1303 Avenue B. Council Bluffs, Iowa.
March 27.
Passed by US Army Examiner 50819 Capt J L Martini[?]