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Letter from Clarence Williams to Gretchen Williams, June 26, 1945

  Dearest Gretchen —

Gee honey, I received two more letters this morning after receiving all those last night. One from you written on the 18th and also one from Eileen of the same date.

I ate early chow this noon because of being C.Q. so decided to drop you a few lines now while the other boys are eating. We had Spanish Rice for dinner and it really tasted good. It also had onions and garlic mixed in.

I really enjoyed reading those clippings you sent and was especially interested in the one explaining the movement sof the men in the 86th home to furlough. According to that story I would have to go to Leavenworth and be released from there on my furlough. If that is true honey we could meet as you suggested in Kansas City. One advantage in being released close to home is the fact you don’t lose two or three days traveling on your own time. The 86th really received a celebration upon arrival. They were over here a very short time even landed a couple months after our Infantry. I remember on Sunday back in Germany one Bn of the 86th was in the same town we occupied for our station, I think it was Neuendettelsau. Either Joe or Gladys is mistaken regarding our Army as we are definitely in the 3rd. I know because I file orders from the 3d almost every day now. Probably Gladys misunderstood.

Sounds as though you didn't have   much luck with your gambling. As I stated before, I didn’t either the last few times we played however I am still winner. Now that I am back at Personnel perhaps we can again have some bridge games. I really prefer that to poker anyway.

That was a swell picture and also a nice write up about Ted Connally and the boys home on leave. I’ll bet they did really have a big time all being there together.

Apparently Elsie doesn’t feel there is much chance of Frank being discharged. Personally, with 70 points, I think he will make it as I believe the score will be dropped that low especially since reading the clipping you mailed. Is he out of the hospital now or did she say? It would be nice if she could make the trip up to see you and probably do her a lot of good to get away for a while. We heard the 86th was going to Gruber so perhaps we will also land there. They should be finished with their training by the time we arrive. I’m just guessing of course.

I am inclosing a few more pictures and will send some again tomorrow. Well honey thats about all the news for now since nothing has happened after my writing you last night.

With all my love, Forever Clarence.
  Pfc. C. O. Williams 37738878 Unit Personnel Section 122d Medical Bn. A.P.O. #411 - c/o P.M. New York, N. Y.
Rec'd 7-9-45
AIR MAIL U.S. Army Postal Service JUN 27 1945
AIR MAIL. Mrs. C. O. Williams 2501 - Harney St., Apt. #6. Omaha, Nebraska.