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Letter from Clarence Williams to Gretchen Williams, November 1, 1945

  Dearest Gretchen—

Well honey tomorrow morning we begin another trek of our homeward journey. Thank God we are at least leaving the 2nd Ripple Dipple and will proceed to Camp Top Hat near Antwerp. I had planned to write you last night but got so interested in finishing up the book Rebecca that it was time for lights out before I got the letter started. I was very much disgusted with that damn book and her inferiority complex until the part where he finally told her of shooting Rebecca and from then on I couldn't lay it down. I started a new one today - "The Green Years" but so far   it doesn’t seem very interesting. I hate to start a new book as the first few chapters always seem so dull. I picked up three or four books here at the club and which I am saving for the boat ride plus the book you sent me. Those should hold me until I reach the states especially counting out a few days for seasickness. Four of we fellows went to the show here on the post tonite. Saw a very old version of the picture — "Captain Kidd" with Charles Laughton. Not very good but was entertainment.

Honey I found out today I am going to Leavenworth for sure for which I was glad. I hope you won't be angry with me taking this furlough deal. As I wrote before, I feel I will be in his damn Army for 4 or 5 more months and feel if I could spend one of those months with you it would make the sentence seem so much shorter. Of course I am still hoping something will happen to keep me in the states but if I must come back over here, don't believe it would be for a very long period. This furlough time is not charged against us but is supposed to be for rest and recuperation. I will probably need the rest more after it is over. I ran into a kid from Co. Bluffs today, he is also going home. His name was McDonald and he recognized me and said I sold him a radio at J&R. Small world isn't it. Had quite a chat with him.


Honey I have no idea how long I will be at Top Hat but think not over five days. Anyway, perhaps after arrival there I can write and give you some definite information.

Well darling guess thats about all the news for now. Have been thinking of you constantly and hope to see you soon.

All my love forever, Clarence.