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Poster for My Story: A Time in the Life of 129564


PERMELIA PUBLISHING ANNOUNCES THE NOVEMBER RELEASE OF: My Story: A Time in the Life of 129564 By Howard Shaff & Audrey Karl Shaff


My Story: A Time in the Life of 129564 By Howard Shaff &Audrey Karl Shaff

Now Irving Shapiro of Gering, Nebraska. He was 17 year old Israel Szapiro of Miedzyrzec, when the Nazis swept into Poland. He watched helplessly as his family was taken to die in the ovens of Treblinka and then spent an unbelievable 5 years fighting for survival in Auschwitz and other death camps.

A Special Pre-Publication Offer: Regular Price: $15.95 Our Special Price: $10.00

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Irving Shapiro

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