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Irving Shapiro Speech Draft


I spoke to a great number of students and organizations this past year, knowing that this story will seldom be repeated to others. This time it is different.

I amI am standing here before an asembly of educators, witch is witha great honor & privilage for me and I know that to day my story will be retold to the stud young student generations for years to come. The tittle "So that y we remember" witch by the way came from one of your members is very apropreate, at because this time plans are being finalized for the building of a Holocaust memorial in our nations capital.

Just like the memorials of Lincoln & Jefferson send a message of freedom and justice, so will the Holocaust memorial museum send a message never to forget. We must remember not only this happening, but that so many decent people in the world let it happen. Nobody is entitled to forget Aushwitz. It is our duty not only to remember, but also to remind others what man[?] can do to fellow man. All of us were condemned for belonging to an ancient people whose forfathers stood at Mount Sinai and received the eternal commendment "Thou shall not kill"



We were condemnet to die without a judge or jury, and very seldom did we found a nabor on whoes gates we could knock and asked for shleter

Let us remember our brothers and sisters who still fill the sky with their smoke

By our deeds let us make sure that such a holocaust, the darkest memory in the history of men shall never be allowed to happen again.

Thank You