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Select New Cadet Heads For ROTC's


Select New Cadet Heads For ROTC's

Serving as battalion commander of the activated ROTC unit in Love Memorial library for the week starting today will be Robert J. Fast. Richard S. Harnsberger is battalion executive and Gifford F. Ropers the police officer.

Company commander of Company A is Robert McNutt. B Company will be commanded by Robert L. George.

Dale Harvey will serve as Company A executive officer and Kenneth H. Elson as first sergeant. Company B executive officer is Lawrence Huwaldt and Roy Long is first sergeant.

Platoon leaders are: Company A, John W. Stewart, James H. Griffith and Aubrey R. Pettit. Company B, Lorenzo Bubacek, John Douglass and Robert Heinzelman.

In addition to these commissioned officers there is also a complete roster of non-commissioned officers.

The officers are selected each week by the army officer in charge of the unit. Each group serves one week and then is replaced by a new one.

Company A is commanded by Capt. H. G. Pattison and Company B by Lt. Robert Adams.

Party Line

Ode to spring and rainy weather. Nothing like a nice gloomy day to put you in a good mood. And to top it off I received a letter from Beenie Allen today. She and Barbara Jones, another former Alpha Phi are being married June 3 to West Point boys. Ah for a military wedding!

Oh well there are some girls—and then there is Betsy Wright and myself, at fifty and old maids, we can be happy with the thought that we were once elected best picnic dates of '42 and '43. Hip! Hip!

Oh well after seeing Ensign Dorsey and having John Jay Douglas ask if she'd date enlisted men (Buck private to you) there is still some hope. Uncle Sam here we come!

Ah West Point.

While thinking of West Point we might mention Martha Woodruff, dorm, is now wearing a West Point "A" pin from Jim Rassmussen former Nebraska student. While at the dorm, Eleanor Jackson received a diamond the other day from Richard Doulf of the Army Air Corps and Franie Hans now wears the Kappa Sig pin of Arizona Howard Moore.

As a last attempt at publicly thanking people and asking a few idle questions I will proceed:

First of all thanks to Freddy. Well, that's the only person I have to thank, now for questions—


Why don't Bill McBride and Cicely ever get together. We would like to have seen her out and around?—

Why doesn't some one really appreciate Ki Rohman? He has some very appreciatable qualities.

Why haven't one of the many murdered Norrie Anderson?

Why Bob Hyde hasn't hung his pin yet?

How people can recover from the rebound so quickly?

Anyone crazy enough to come back to Nebraska next year. Unless they plan to be students of the first degree. Amen!