U.S. Consulate at Stuttgart, Germany
Date November 22, 1946.
I. This is to certify that Josef FISCHEL (name in full), born at Poland (country), Bendsburg (town), _______(district), on 16 (day) of Demember (month), 1923 (year), male (sex), married (marital status), Henia Katz (given and maiden name of wife), intends to immigrate to United States.
II. He will be accompanied by no one (Here list all family members by name, birthplace & date together with citizenship of each.)
Fischel Josef
III. His occupation is merchant
IV. Description Height 5 ft. 5 in. Hair black Eyes hazel Distinguishing marks or features: Tattoo on forearm "R-10920" Josef Fischel (signature)
V. He solemnly declares that he has never committed nor has been convicted of any crime except that as follows no exceptions.
VI. He is unable to produce birth certificate for the following reason(s) not applicable.
I hereby certify that the above are true facts, proper photography and description of Josef Fischel (signature of the applicant).
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of November 1946. Joseph R. Peck (Signature of Consul) Joseph R. Peck, Vice Consul Vice Consul (date)