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Letter from Clarence Williams to Gretchen Williams, June 28, 1945

  Dearest Gretchen —

Gee honey, believe it or not we had steak for supper tonight and salmon loaf for dinner. I could hardly believe my own eyes. Some one must have read my letter of yesterday when I was griping so about our food. Anyway, dinner and supper today were very good. Oh yes, I meant to write you earlier about our organ music during the noon hour. If you will notice in the pictures I mailed the big old castle is the outstanding structure’s. On the castle grounds is what they claim to be the largest outdoor pipe organ in Europe. They start playing it at exactly twelve noon and usually play until 1:00 PM. It has a beautiful tone and the natives here state it can be heard for 12 kilometers which is slightly over seven miles.

I didn’t receive any mail from you again today and did receive a nice letter from Ada at the store. She states business has really been good.

I was in bed by 9:30 last night, can you imagine that. Of course it usually isn’t later than ten or ten thirty but it was still light when I went to bed. It doesn’t get dark here until after ten anyway. I read my book until I got sleepy then turned out the light and really slept. The   nights here have been quite cool in fact I have never as yet slept under less than two wool blankets and the top one doubled at that. I leave my windows open day and nite so always have plenty of fresh air. For the first time I have practically all my clothes out of my duffle bag and in drawers. Even have out those old collapsible shower shoes to wear around evenings when writing and reading.

I have been pretty busy today because of a lot of filing material received from the 3d Army. Because of changing to the 3d we have received all their orders, bulletins, and circulars from Jan 1st. I am quite sure Frank (Elsie’s husband) will soon be getting out if he has 70 points. We had to send in a report on all of the men in our Bn with 70 points or more and I don’t know what else it would be used for.

Well darling I gues thats about all the news for today. Will be hoping to hear from you tomorrow. I am inclosing a few more pictures for our collection.

With all my Love always Clarence.
  Pfc. C. O. Williams 37738878 Unit Personnel Section 122d Medical Bn. A.P.O. #411 - c/o P.M. New York, N. Y.
Rec'd 7-11-45
AIR MAIL U.S. Army Postal Service JUN 29 1945
AIR MAIL. Mrs. C. O. Williams 2501 - Harney St - Apt #6. Omaha, Nebraska.