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Letter from Gretchen Williams to Clarence Williams, June 13, 1944

  Dearest Clarence:

Have had quite a different evening. Stopped for my car and talked to Mrs. Rannum for awhile then on home. Fixed a sandwich and then decided to go to the U.S.O after all. Found lots of boys looking for places but can readily see that I have no solution there which would be satisfactory. However, the lady referred me to a lady on Arapahoe who is alone and considering taking someone in with her. She is a widow who has a son in service and is approximately 40 yrs. of age. Think I shall go out and see her the latter part of the week.

Am not sure about the J & R. deal yet. Mrs. Rannum has written Hanks about redecorating for me and am waiting to see what he says — which gives me a little more time. Am beginning to think it is the best Lincoln has to offer. Am going to look at an apartment tomorrow noon — the old Hodgman mortuary is being made into apartments — furnished efficiency. Will see what the deal is.

So much for that kind of bunk.

Mac put on the top today and only charged me $5.00. However, the bill he gave me to send the insurance company is $14.90 so maybe I will wind up in Leavenworth.   If I do, then you can visit me there as it sounds closer to you. I thought it pretty swell of him.

Am wondering if any of my letters to you are getting through. Guess the floods round about are really serious and the trains have to go through Missouri to get from here to Omaha.

Talked to (damn I can't remember her name) Pauline's sister — J & R — (guess I'm losing my mind) tonight while at the store — Ada — She is not so well and is having a check up. The Doctor took 2 Xrays today.

Idris's folks arrived from Calif today so guess she has a busy time ahead of her.

Well Dear is way past bed time so I'm turning in.

Nightie Night Honey

All my love, Gretchen.